INTRODUCING HOW to discover & apply biblical Truths for becoming a Winner Beyond Success, by +Dr. Jonathan Z+ Founder of American Council on Excellence & The College of Wellness Doctors. Next session covers Lectures 1 to 4 in 4+ hours of major principles for biblical success in life, work and relationships.
Over four hours of Master Life Truths for Winners Beyond Success ®. The lessons close with Powerful Prayer for your Spiritual, Psychological, Financial & Family Health. Share this video with your family and friends who seek to be blessed or who wish to be a compassionate blessing to others. Subscribe to Winners Beyond Success on YouTube with +DR. JON Z+. Order his books on Kindle or Amazon. Bookmark or favorite this website to discover "whose you are, what you are best at & why you are alive?"
Failure is never permanent if your Hope & Faith comes from Jesus as the Way, the Truth & the Life for "Winning Beyond Success." Lectures 5 & 6 offers more KEYS to develop a Winning Attitude for Learning, Loving, Laughing & Living. Master Life Truths. YOU Are the Reason for Your Success or Non-success, by +Dr. Jon Z+. Fellow & Diplomate
Lectures 7 & 8 help you think Creatively & Pray PURPOSEFULLY to DISCOVER WHOSE You Are & WHOM You SERVE in becoming "WINNERS BEYOND SUCCESS."(c) Several key SECRETS of The MASTER LIFE FOR TOTAL SUCCESS(r) are shared with faithful followers of Jesus of Bethlehem. Buy an OPEN BIBLE to follow along in +Dr. Jonathan Z+'s book, "HONOR THE Z FORCE (Zoe) for Health, Intimacy & Meaning in Life," on Amazon. These teachings are excerpts from his award winning book. Contact us to request Dr. Jonathan Z as a presidential consultant, divorce mediator, labor arbitrator, Master Life Coach or conference speaker.
"Are you a Winner or a Loser? Do you know the difference between what it takes to be a winner versus a loser? Winners never quit; quitters never win. Winners plan to succeed by setting viable, godly and worthwhile goals to achieve greater things. Losers don't. Winners focus on doing or giving more than they did last year. Losers do much less than winners because they expect less from life. Losers complain even about petty things. Losers fail repeatedly until they quit. Winners fail and make corrections or improvements until they win. Losers doubt God exists; winners have no doubts He exists because they know He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him (Hebrews 11:6)."
"LOSE is a negative FOUR letter word. WIN is a positive THREE letter word. It takes twice as many letters to transform the word "win" into "winner." It takes only one letter for the word "lose" to become "loser." In a ontological manner, it takes two to three times greater effort, talent, resources, commitment or luck to work to be a winner than to be a loser. Losing is easy; yet winning is not. Winners look for the good in questionable persons; yet, losers see only the badness in a good person. Losers give up before it's time. Winners make time to keep on, and on, and on, no matter what it takes. Losers see problems in every solution; winners search for solutions in every problem. Winners pray before beginning any major challenge; loser pray seldom or never, until nothing else works. Losers hope for little and receive little; winners expect more and receive more. (WARNING: For Adults only, NOT for minors or persons who are easily offended, or persons who refuse to appreciate biblical Truth for success in life and beyond).
MAY GOD BLESS YOU & Your LOVED Ones with PEACE, JOY, PROSPERITY, SAFETY, FAMILY & FINANCIAL HEALTH in JESUS holy & precious name. These Master Life Truths teach you to Pray for "good success" in all that you say, do and believe for in serving others. (Josh. 1-6-8). Blessings to you as you grow in your health as a Winner Beyond Success ®
Winners Beyond Success with Dr. Jon Z+ Lectures 11 & 12 Presents A Master Life Interview with President and CEO Master Jorge Luis Aguilar, of ICS International Corporate Security & Fire Corporation. This Live Interview reveals the importance of God's Vision in the lives of Winners Beyond Success.